Share Your World #13

Cee’s Share Your World this week:

left-hand desk

Are you left or right handed?

I’m left-handed, as is my mother.   She grew up in the days when they still tried to make you be right-handed instead so she’s quite ambidextrous.  By the time I was in school, they let you stay a leftie, so I can do just about nothing that requires fine-tuning with my right hand.

After early elementary school we always had desks with the writing surface just on one side and, of course, almost every desk in every room was for right-handed people.  Left-side desks were so rare I just about never managed to have one.  By the time I finished school I was so used to writing with my notebook/tablet on my lap that I’ve never been able to write comfortably at a table or desk.

If you had only one TV, would you prefer the TV in the living room or another room?

I watch in the family room and I kind of like a living room that’s more formal.

Have you ever participated in a distance walking, swimming, running, or biking event? Tell your story.

Never.  Never have, can’t imagine I ever will.

Complete this sentence: Love is… .

The center of all of us.  Just have to get through the layers of other stuff to find the lovingkindness and compassion at the core.

Bonus question:  What are you grateful for from last week, and what are you looking forward to in the week coming up

Tried out a new recipe for Easter — way easier than the complicated stuff I usually make and it was nice to have a lovely dinner that didn’t involve me spending several hours a day for three days before.

Right now the coming week is a pretty blank slate and I’m looking forward to a quiet schedule.

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