Share Your World 10/2/17

Cee’s Share  Your World this week:

If you were given the opportunity to ride in a helicopter would go?

I’ve ridden on a helicoptor– a sightseeing trip from Grouse Mountain outside Vancouver out a bit into the mountains.  I’m terrified of heights so it was a big challenge, and, while beautiful, I’d say here’s my sense of future helicopter rides after the experience:

  • if there’s a raging inferno and a helicopter is the only way to get out, yes, I’d ride one again.
  • if there’s no immediate danger and other forms of transportation are available, no I wouldn’t want the ride.
  • If it’s sightseeing and getting a different view, I think I’d prefer to live without 🙂

What are some of your favorite type of proteins to eat? (meat, seafood, eggs, soy, cheese, nuts)

I really like all sorts of protein and I have a body type that does very well with lots of it.

What would be your preference, awake before dawn, at dawn, or awake before noon?

Awake before noon.  I’m a night owl.  While my current schedule has gone pretty awry and I’d prefer not to be up as insanely late as I am and to get up earlier than I have been, my aims lean more toward before noon than dawn…

What inspired you or what did you appreciate this past week?  Feel free to use a quote, a photo, a story, or even a combination. 

Haven’t been outside enough nor taking walks enough (for spirit; I do lots of exercising indoors) but I managed to get out on a lovely evening a few days ago:


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