

In my main blog, Not Just Sassy on the Inside, I post about spiritual topics and my journey on a spiritual path. Although that journey looms large in my life there’s more to me and sometimes I want to just post a recipe or talk about writing or make a smart aleck commentary, so this is the place to express my alter ego. This me is not always serene or deep though in all aspects of my life I strive to be peace.  My guilty secret is that I play a kids’ computer game, Wizard101 and I blog about that here.  For more “about me” see the other blog.

Hugs, Leigh


5 thoughts on “About

  1. Pingback: In praise of WordPress’s like button | 61chrissterry

  2. I enjoy both of your blogs! And I wanted to thank you immensely for including my humble article about the beautiful human that was Albert Einstein. This blog has many wise reblogs you’ve selected, and I am honored to be among them. Also I was struck by something you wrote in your Gravatar profile, that you just might be enjoying your spiritual journey to enlightenment too much to actually attain it (slight paraphrase there) and I adore that insight. Thank you for sharing that. It has struck a lovely chord within me about remaining unattached to the outcome, to release it. You offer wonderful thought-provoking material. Thank you again. Namaste. Gina


  3. I’ve just done the same with my alter ego blog Jane Silence…a blog for my dark side which inspires my fiction writing and poetry. I always think it is really important to give all our personalities a fair crack of the whip so to speak. Not that we have some pathological mental illness but that to deny all our ‘sides’ is rather unhealthy, at least for me.


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