No No NaNoWriMo

In the end it wasn’t so hard to decide.  Health and sleep are still so up and down that I can’t commit to anything that requires me to have a few good hours every day.  And there’s that Thanksgiving priority.  I love Thanksgiving.  Since I love fixing a feast and I’ve perfected a two week plan that suits the ebb and flow of energy by meting out planning, shopping, early prepping everything I can, etc.  Priority!

And the cool thing is that as I’ve read some pieces on NaNoWriMo that I felt were a refreshing counterpoint — check out 25 Things You Should Know About NaNoWriMo–I’ve realized I that’s a ride that doesn’t suit me .  And that led me to this great find:  A Round of Words in 80 Days, a writing challenge that lets you set a goal that’s comfortable and do-able for you.  They’re in the middle of a round right now that ends right after Christmas so I’m going to enjoy the holidays without bashing myself with writing goals and take part in the next round.

Meanwhile, for November, my first e-book(let) is almost ready to go and I’m about to start the second and that’s my writing plan for now.

To those of you who’ve taken on NaNoWriMo I wish you great luck, an ever-present muse and a fun, wild ride.  I hope I see some of my fellow writers over at 80 Days after the first of the year!

4 thoughts on “No No NaNoWriMo

  1. I agree with the criticisms of nanowrimo in that professional writers do write year round at their own pace. I think nanowrim can help jumpstart would be authors. In my case, I haven’t been all that professional about novel writing, so it’s a good opportunity to get myself going again on consistent writing. Good luck with a round of words in 80 days. I’ll look forward to reading how that is going for you!


    • For me the main issues with nanowrimmo are the crazy amount per day and the fact that it’s always in the month that starts holiday busy-ness. That said, it did help kick me to get moving on my novel. But the 80 day thing with setting own goal just sounds so much more calm.


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